“The rewards are simply undeniably awesome,
for lack of words to describe it.”
-- Xandra Cardenas
It all started in December 2006 when the PSI grads of Baguio decided to hold their Christmas party in Joshua Children's Home. From then on, Xandra Cardenas (Basic 107, Starshooters Team 67, Heroic Class 28) became active in such events and soon discovered that just leaving donations at the doorstep was not enough for the kids. In visiting the orphanages, Xandra saw how the younger kids would cling onto her and would want to be hugged. They wanted someone they could talk to and listen to their heartaches. They needed someone to tell them kind words, to hear that they are beautiful and smart; and that they could be whatever they want to be. After a few minutes of being with them, their smiles are worth her time.
In her last visit to Bethesda Children's Home in January, she was joined by some PSI grads of Baguio and some Korean volunteers. They brought food and had a little chat with each of the kids. They asked them what they want to be in the future and gave them some advise. The childred expressed their gratitude with smiles and positive responses; but, in her opinion, she should be the one thanking these children. They have inspired her and have given her an opportunity to give unconditionally.
Xandra visits Bethesda every month. She encourages others to join her. Her volunteers are growing in number because, somehow, word had spread. More and more Koreans are joining too, and she gets many donations from overseas as well.
More than inspiring, it has truly been a rewarding experience for Xandra.
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